By Reem Joudi, for The World Humanities Report
Open Air Films screenings, Hands-on film equipment, discussions and fun.
29.06- 24.07.2024
| OPENING 25.05.24 |
25.05 >28.09.2024
| OPENING 25.05.24 | 19H00 |
Functioning as a hub for research, learning, and experimentation, AML provides a nurturing space for those exploring the realms of cinema and mixed media arts as vehicles for social inquiry and transformation.
منذ إنشائه بالمغرب سنة 2010، يعمل المشروع الجمعوي “المختبر العربي لفنون الميديا” على نشر ثقافة الابداع السمعي البصري المستقل ومجال الصور الرقمية، كما يعمل أيضا على تعليم فن الصورة. تم إنشاء فعاليات ومهرجانات، من أجل المساهمة على التغييرالشخصي والمجتمعي عن طريق فنون الميديا…
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The World Humanities Report launched a case study on the Arab Media Lab (AML) as a leading media arts initiative in Morocco, Africa, and the Arab world. Authored by Reem Joudi, a media researcher at the Arab Council for the Social Sciences, the study examines AML’s role in fostering creativity, social change, and critical discourse through media arts. Supported by the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI) and the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH), with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the report explores the broader impact of humanities in global contexts.
Visit our website for more information:
Casting Call for Lead and Supporting Roles (Ages 25-35) – Male and Female
إعلان مفتوح لاختيار ممثلين لأدوار رئيسية وثانوية (للذكور والإناث - الأعمار من 25 إلى 35)
Are you a passionate actor or actress looking for an exciting opportunity? We are casting for lead and supporting roles in a pilot project for an upcoming online series and potential TV show. We are seeking talented male and female actors aged 25-35.
Role Requirements:
Male or Female, aged 25-35
Strong presence and versatility in performance
Comfortable working in a dynamic, creative environment
If you have the energy, talent, and drive to bring these roles to life, we want to hear from you!
How to Apply:
Please send:
Headshots (showcasing a variety of expressions and looks)
A brief motivation letter explaining why you`re excited about the roles and what you can bring to the project
Send your application to:
Deadline for Submissions: October 30, 2024
إعلان مفتوح لاختيار ممثلين لأدوار رئيسية وثانوية (للذكور والإناث - الأعمار من 25 إلى 35)
نحن نبحث عن ممثلين وممثلات لأدوار رئيسية وثانوية في مشروع تجريبي لمسلسل عبر الإنترنت وبرنامج تلفزيوني محتمل. نبحث عن مواهب من الذكور والإناث تتراوح أعمارهم بين 25 و35 عامًا.
متطلبات الأدوار:
ذكر أو أنثى، بين 25 و35 عامًا
حضور قوي وقدرة على الأداء المتنوع
القدرة على العمل في بيئة إبداعية وحيوية
إذا كنت تمتلك الطاقة والموهبة والحافز لإحياء هذه الأدوار، نود أن نسمع منك!
كيفية التقديم:
يرجى إرسال:
صور شخصية (تُظهر مجموعة متنوعة من التعابير والمظاهر)
رسالة تحفيزية قصيرة توضح سبب حماسك للأدوار وما يمكنك تقديمه للمشروع
أرسل طلبك إلى:
الموعد النهائي لتقديم الطلبات: 30 أكتوبر 2024
طنجة إنترزون / 25ـ 26 سبتمبر 2024
Centre Cívic Convent de Sant Agustí
Curated by Abdelaziz Taleb
Produced by The Arab Media Lab Project, Rosa LLop, and Desorg
Beginning in the mid-1950s, Tangier emerged as a vibrant nexus for artists, poets, and intellectuals. Heavily influenced by the presence of Paul Bowles, members of the Beat Generation were drawn to this northern Moroccan city, seeking not only inspiration and completion of their creative works but also an escape into the mystique of the Moroccan dream. While some engaged meaningfully with the local culture, most were in pursuit of experiences that transcended the conventional confines of their realities.
During the era known as "INTERZONE," Tangier became a site where the East and West intersected in a chaotic interplay of misapprehensions, with each side anticipating revelations or secrets from the other. Yet, this encounter was often marked by mutual disillusionment; neither side fulfilled the other`s expectations, highlighting a deeper impasse in cross-cultural understanding. For some, Tangier represented a fertile ground for intercultural exchange; for many, however, it underscored the inadequacies inherent in reductive "culturalist" interpretations of reality.
In the anarchic vision of William S. Burroughs, cultural identities are seen as constructs shaped and manipulated by bureaucratic forces for strategic ends. His critique of the failed East-West encounter resonates with Edward Said’s analysis of the flawed mutual perceptions each culture holds of the other. Said’s theory of Orientalism encapsulates the West’s constructed narrative of the Orient, a narrative subsequently appropriated and recontextualized by Eastern institutions. Tangier thus stands as a liminal space, a crossroads of these cultural "pharmacies."
Our film program, "TANGIER INTERZONE," endeavors to probe the porous boundary between reality and fiction, delving into the imaginative dimensions that shape our understanding of this "reality."
Producers: Rosa Llop, Abdelaziz Taleb, Abdellatif Benfaidoul
Produced by The Arab Media Lab project and Desorg Barcelona